App Business Protection

App Business Protection

Patent attorneys who are knowledgeable only in conventional technologies have a hard time understanding the app business, and obviously cannot engineer a systematic IP strategy for app businesses. BLT is a patent firm with IT expertise. Since our founding in 2013, we have assisted countless app business startups with IP strategy to spur growth. Working with BLT’s patent, design and trademark teams enables the establishment of a systematic IP strategy.

BLT's trademarks team

Protecting app icons and trademarks for app service marketing

Firms engaged in the app business apply a great deal of effort when deciding on memorable trademarks and app icons that leave a favorable impression on users’ minds. But far too often, the importance of IP protection for app trademarks and app icons is under-appreciated. If a firm loses its trademarks (brands) or app icons to competitors, then the marketing funds committed to their development will be lost.

Patents exist to protect technologies and business models,
and trademarks exist to protect the marketing outcomes of app icons and app business.

Patent attorneys who are knowledgeable only in conventional technologies have a hard time understanding the app business, and obviously cannot engineer a systematic IP strategy for app businesses.

BLT is a patent firm with IT expertise. Since our founding in 2013, we have assisted countless app business startups with IP strategy to spur growth.
Working with BLT’s patent, design and trademark teams enables the establishment of a systematic IP strategy.

BLT's trademarks team

Protecting app icons and trademarks for app service marketing

Firms engaged in the app business apply a great deal of effort when deciding on memorable trademarks and app icons that leave a favorable impression on users’ minds. But far too often, the importance of IP protection for app trademarks and app icons is under-appreciated. If a firm loses its trademarks (brands) or app icons to competitors, then the marketing funds committed to their development will be lost.

Patents exist to protect technologies and business models, and trademarks exist to protect the marketing outcomes of app icons and app business.

Trademark rights are assigned on a first-to-file basis, regardless of whether or not the trademark is being serviced by the applicant. In many cases, trademark brokers beat promising startups to filing and registering trademarks for their app services. For this reason, strategy is crucial in protecting app names and app icons. BLT’s trademark patent attorneys and team ensure the protection of startup brands and promote business growth.

Startups looking to expand their business globally are urged to engage BLT's trademarks team for trademark map consulting, ascertaining in advance the likelihood of trademark grants in target regions and the potential for trademark disputes in target markets

The BLT BM (Business Model)
patent team 

Specialized patent engineering by app service type

Business model (BM) patents are a category of software patent, but BM patents require an accurate understanding of the business structure of a service, and the professional capacity to properly express the core elements of a business model through claims. BLT has participated directly in app business development with various startups, and as such our understanding of the business is unmatched. To preempt potential competitors, app business patents must be different from those used in conventional manufacturing.

While use of a registered patent by a person other than the assignee is clearly patent infringement in conventional manufacturing, app service patent claims must be designed in a manner appropriate to service characteristics in order to preempt competitors. Working with the BM (Business Model) patent team at BLT, startups can secure patents to protect new business models from competitors and large enterprises.

Trademark rights are assigned on a first-to-file basis, regardless of whether or not the trademark is being serviced by the applicant. In many cases, trademark brokers beat promising startups to filing and registering trademarks for their app services. For this reason, strategy is crucial in protecting app names and app icons.

BLT’s trademark patent attorneys and team ensure the protection of startup brands and promote business growth.

Startups looking to expand their business globally are urged to engage BLT's trademarks team for trademark map consulting, ascertaining in advance the likelihood of trademark grants in target regions and the potential for trademark disputes in target markets

The BLT BM (Business Model) patent team

Specialized patent engineering by app service type

Business model (BM) patents are a category of software patent, but BM patents require an accurate understanding of the business structure of a service, and the professional capacity to properly express the core elements of a business model through claims.
BLT has participated directly in app business development with various startups, and as such our understanding of the business is unmatched.

To preempt potential competitors, app business patents must be different from those used in conventional manufacturing.
While use of a registered patent by a person other than the assignee is clearly patent infringement in conventional manufacturing, app service patent claims must be designed in a manner appropriate to service characteristics in order to preempt competitors.

Working with the BM (Business Model) patent team at BLT, startups can secure patents to protect new business models from competitors and large enterprises.

BLT's design team

Double protection for UI and UX in red ocean markets through patent and design registration

The app market is currently a “red ocean,” and under these circumstances a differentiation strategy is crucial. In differentiating an app service from existing app services in a field, the UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) are as important as the function. These are what improve usability and convenience for users. 

The UI displayed on an app screen is a graphic image design for which design rights can be registered and protected. As well, graphic image design rights can be exercised regardless of device type. 

An IP strategy for optimal protection of a new UI and UX involves dual protection using patent rights and design rights; this is the method chosen by global enterprises like “Apple” and the social dating app service startup “Tinder.” 

At BLT, patent attorneys specialized in designs and with the experience of building design portfolios for large Korean and global enterprises offer their service in engineering design strategy for app business startups.

BLT's design team

Double protection for UI and UX in red ocean markets through patent and design registration

The app market is currently a “red ocean,” and under these circumstances a differentiation strategy is crucial. In differentiating an app service from existing app services in a field, the UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) are as important as the function.

These are what improve usability and convenience for users. The UI displayed on an app screen is a graphic image design for which design rights can be registered and protected.

As well, graphic image design rights can be exercised regardless of device type. An IP strategy for optimal protection of a new UI and UX involves dual protection using patent rights and design rights; this is the method chosen by global enterprises like “Apple” and the social dating app service startup “Tinder.”

At BLT, patent attorneys specialized in designs and with the experience of building design portfolios for large Korean and global enterprises offer their service in engineering design strategy for app business startups.

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