BLT Patent & Law Firm is an ‘M&A Specialist’ selected by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
We discover the technology you want to secure, match it with Korean companies that possess the technology, and provide information support, due diligence support, and investment support.
In particular, BLT, which has a global business network and patent infrastructure, serves as a bridge to enable the technology owned by Korean companies to become your new growth engine based on Korea's industrial trends and intellectual property rights status.
BLT, a patent firm, has a team comprised of lawyers, patent attorneys, paralegals, local industry/market experts, and investment and M&A experts active in Korea and overseas. We provide support from discovering the core technologies and Korean companies you are looking for, to establishing Korean corporations, establishing joint ventures, and M&A.
We ask for your interest and inquiries as you seek new growth engines in Korea, the birthplace of cutting-edge technology and the global cultural industry.
Thank you.
BLT는 산업통상자원부에서 선정한 'M&A 스페셜리스트' 입니다.
M&A 스페셜리스트는 일본 수출규제에 맞서 소재, 부품, 장비의 국산화를 위해 추진되는 사업입니다. 국내 반도체, 디스플레이 산업계 중심인 중소·중견기업들이 첨단 소부장 전략기술을 확보할 수 있도록 기술·사업제휴, IP인수, 지분투자, 합작회사설립, 해외기업 M&A 등을 지원합니다. (사업명 : 투자연계형 기술확보지원 사업)
M&A 스페셜리스트
‘M&A 스페셜리스트’는 국내기업이 확보하고자 하는 핵심전략기술을 발굴하고, 해당기술을 보유하고 있는 해외기업을 매칭하여, 정보지원, 실사지원, R&D 지원, 세제지원 등을 제공합니다.
특히, 글로벌 비즈니스 네트워크와 특허 인프라를 보유한 BLT는 해외의 산업트랜드 및 지식재산권 현황을 기반으로, 해외기업이 보유한 기술이 국내기업의 새로운 성장동력이 될 수 있도록 브릿지 역할을 하고 있습니다.
특허법인 BLT는 국내외에서 활동중인 변호사·변리사·법무사, 현지 산업/시장 전문가, 투자 및 M&A 전문가로 구성된 ‘M&A 스페셜리스트’팀을 준비하였으며, 핵심전략기술 및 해외기업 발굴부터 조인트벤처 설립·M&A(인수합병)까지 원활이 이루어질 수 있도록 지원하고 있습니다.
새로운 성장동력의 발굴을 희망하시는 기업들의 많은 관심과 문의 부탁드립니다.
1. Client interview
1) Identify what the client wants and business direction
2) Analysis of major players in the relevant business field
3) Identify the client’s budget and the type of Korean company they are looking for
2. Selection and analysis
1) Selection of target company candidates that meet investment goals and criteria
2) Evaluation of target company’s technology and market competitiveness
3) Presentation of 7 target companies
3. Due Diligence
1) Verification of ownership status and validity of intellectual property rights
2) Investigate whether you actually have the skills
3) Investigation of legal disputes and litigation history
4) Financial investigation
5) Review of legal and regulatory issues
4. Obtain information and contact
1) Obtain detailed information on the core technology and business you want
2) Deriving the value chain based on technology and IP
3) Constructing multiple proposal routes to realize the deal
4) Proceed with proposals so that an agreement can be reached
5. Advisory on investment and collaboration types
1) Analysis of the situation of companies with core technologies
2) Support for the establishment of joint ventures with overseas companies
3) Providing consulting on IP licensing with the least burden on both parties
6.Contract review
1) Providing consulting on various contracts such as technology licensing, IP licensing, joint venture establishment, M&A negotiation, etc.
2) High-quality service can be provided through collaboration between BLT’s patent attorneys, lawyers, and judicial officers.
3) Experts and investment experts who have performed various M&A activities participate and review the toxic provisions.
We provide strategies and tactics to prevent numerous miscommunications that may occur during the negotiation process and increase the probability of success.