[BLT Insight][IP Law KR Update] South Korea Tightens Inventor Correction Rules: A Shift Towards Stricter Patent Practices

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Recent amendments to South Korea's patent law have introduced significant changes to the process of correcting inventor information on patent applications. These changes, aimed at preventing the addition or correction of incorrect inventors, have made the process notably stricter.

Key Changes and Implications

  • Limited Window for Adding Inventors: Previously, inventors could be added to a patent application until the patent right was registered. Under the new rules, inventors can only be added before a patent decision is issued. This significantly reduces the timeframe for making such additions.

  • Restrictions on Inventor Corrections: The amendments have also limited the scope of inventor corrections. Now, corrections can only be made if the "identity of the inventor" is maintained. This effectively prevents substantial changes to the inventor list.

  • Stricter Documentation Requirements: The amended law mandates additional documentation, such as inventor's nationality and country of residence, to ensure accurate identification of inventors.

Impact on Patent Applicants

These changes necessitate a more diligent approach to inventor identification and documentation during the initial stages of the patent application process. Any errors or omissions in inventor information will be significantly more difficult to rectify later on.


The amendments to South Korea's patent law reflect a global trend towards stricter patent practices. While these changes may present challenges for patent applicants, they ultimately aim to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the patent system. It is crucial for patent applicants to adapt to these new rules to ensure the successful prosecution of their patent applications in South Korea.

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