[in South Korea]How to get 'work visa' & 'workation visa' in South Korea
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[in South Korea]How to get 'work visa' & 'workation visa' in South Korea
Head Office 1F, 25, Beobwon-ro 3-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, 06595 Republic of Korea
Tel : +82-2-514-0104 Fax : +82-70-4855-0102 Email : info@blt.kr
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Head Office 1F, 25, Beobwon-ro 3-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, 06595 Republic of Korea
Tel : +82-2-514-0104 Fax : +82-70-4855-0102 E : info@blt.kr
Incheon Office 26F, 165, Convensia-daero (POSCO Tower Building), Yeonsu-gu, Incheon (Stage9 Songdo POSCO Tower)
Tel : +82-32-710-5104 Fax : +82-70-4855-0102 Email : info@blt.kr
ⓒ 2023. BLT Patent & Law Firm All Rights Reserved.
To obtain a work visa in South Korea, you need to:
With the workcation visa, foreign travelers will be able to stay in Korea temporarily while also performing their usual tasks as an employee of a company from their home country. All the while, experiencing life in Korea. The details of the new visa's implementation have not yet been set either.
If introduced, foreign travelers can stay in Korea for up to two years to explore their areas of interest. It will be introduced during the second half of next year.
Note: The specific requirements and process may vary based on your nationality and type of job.
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