[BLT NEWS]BLT Patent & Law Firm named exclusive patent agent for Soon Chun Hyang University Hospital August 31, 2021
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[BLT NEWS]BLT Patent & Law Firm named exclusive patent agent for Soon Chun Hyang University Hospital August 31, 2021
Head Office 1F, 25, Beobwon-ro 3-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, 06595 Republic of Korea
Tel : +82-2-514-0104 Fax : +82-70-4855-0102 Email : info@blt.kr
Incheon Office 26F, 165, Convensia-daero (POSCO Tower Building), Yeonsu-gu, Incheon (Stage9 Songdo POSCO Tower)
Tel : +82-32-710-5104 Fax : +82-70-4855-0102 Email : info@blt.kr
ⓒ 2023. BLT Patent & Law Firm All Rights Reserved.
Head Office 1F, 25, Beobwon-ro 3-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, 06595 Republic of Korea
Tel : +82-2-514-0104 Fax : +82-70-4855-0102 E : info@blt.kr
Incheon Office 26F, 165, Convensia-daero (POSCO Tower Building), Yeonsu-gu, Incheon (Stage9 Songdo POSCO Tower)
Tel : +82-32-710-5104 Fax : +82-70-4855-0102 Email : info@blt.kr
ⓒ 2023. BLT Patent & Law Firm All Rights Reserved.
BLT Patent & Law Firm was named exclusive medical patent agent for the Soon Chun Hyang University Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation in 2021.
As the first-ever exclusively designated medical patent firm for Soon Chun Hyang University, BLT will be in charge of medical patents for Soon Chun Hyang University hospitals across the country, including the Seoul and Bucheon hospitals.
BLT will also be in charge of domestic and international protection and dispute response for Soon Chun Hyang University IP (patents, utility models, trademarks and designs), as well as technology transfers and commercialization.