The customer experience of a product starts with the “brand.” A “trademark” means brand protection, and “trademark rights” provides legal protection for brands. Trademarks that are not registered are not protected. As such, trademark registration is mandatory, not optional.
Trademarks are the identity of an enterprise and its products, and are an enterprise’s most powerful marketing tool.
The registration of a trademark is only the beginning; a trademark is your business partner, growing in value together with your operations.
The customer experience of a product starts with the “brand.” A “trademark” means brand protection, and “trademark rights” provides legal protection for brands. Trademarks that are not registered are not protected. As such, trademark registration is mandatory, not optional.
Trademarks are the identity of an enterprise and its products, and are an enterprise’s most powerful marketing tool.
The registration of a trademark is only the beginning; a trademark is your business partner, growing in value together with your operations.
While there are no national borders in the online world,
an enterprise must hold registered trademarks in each of the countries where its goods are traded offline in order to receive brand protection, prevent trademark disputes,
and sanction trademark-infringing products.
We provide consulting in preparing applications that ensure registration,
and propose trademarks that are suited to domestic circumstances
and wield real power in real markets.
While there are no national borders in the online world, an enterprise must hold registered trademarks in each of the countries where its goods are traded offline in order to receive brand protection, prevent trademark disputes, and sanction trademark-infringing products. We provide consulting in preparing applications that ensure registration, and propose trademarks that are suited to domestic circumstances and wield real power in real markets.
Managing Partner / Co-Founder
Mark Cheolhyun YooManaging Partner / Co-Founder
Managing Partner
Taekyun ChungManaging Partner
Managing Partner
Jeehye NhoManaging Partner
Managing Partner
Sunghyun KimManaging Partner
Managing Partner
Ilhyo SuhManaging Partner
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Head Office 1F, 25, Beobwon-ro 3-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, 06595 Republic of Korea
Tel : +82-2-514-0104 Fax : +82-70-4855-0102 E :
Incheon Office 26F, 165, Convensia-daero (POSCO Tower Building), Yeonsu-gu, Incheon (Stage9 Songdo POSCO Tower)
Tel : +82-32-710-5104 Fax : +82-70-4855-0102 Email :
ⓒ 2023. BLT Patent & Law Firm All Rights Reserved.